As a real estate professional, it is your responsibility to know when your license expires, how many hours you need to complete in each renewal period, and to pay any associated fees to renew your license with the LLR. The annual renewal deadline with the LLR is June 30, but the year varies depending on your two-year renewal cycle, so you should verify your license renewal date here.
Please note: CTAR does not have access to your renewal password, licensure records, or CE exemption status. You can find that information and more here.
Questions? Please email Kelly Bramble or Megan Bone in our education department.
Check your license renewal date with the LLR, here.
This helps track LLR, CTAR and NAR’s requirements. This worksheet is for planning purposes and does not need to be turned in to CTAR or LLR. This worksheet does not apply for licensees with Property Manager or Property Manager-In-Charge licenses.
The South Carolina Real Estate Commission has a CE tracking and reporting system called CE Broker which tracks continuing education for all licensees of the Commission. This is a free service to all licensees, and you may claim your account here.
If you need assistance determining which courses you’ve taken during this licensing cycle, sign up for CE Broker or contact the CTAR Education Department.
You can find all of our available CE courses on our calendar. If you prefer online, self-paced courses, check out our affiliate partner The CE SHOP – (contact the education department for available discount promo codes)
Once you have completed your renewal requirements, renew your license online with the LLR.