Housing Studies

As we have seen over the last decade, but especially in the last few years, home prices in the Charleston area have increased on a level that is out of reach for many residents. From January to June 2021 alone, listing prices rose 12.5% and average rents increased approximately 14%. The cost of housing overall has risen 43% in the last decade.

Access the Housing Study

In 2019, it was estimated that over 76,000 households in our region are spending more than 30% of their budget on housing costs which classifies them as “housing cost burdened” and is not only a strain on those families that are impacted, it also hurts our economy by not providing disposable income for other wants and needs of the family.

For this reason, the Charleston Trident Association of Realtors® (CTAR) retained Anderson Economic Group to conduct a study of housing affordability and housing policy in the Charleston metro area. The purpose of this report is to identify promising housing policy proposals based on both their feasibility and their capacity to have a meaningful impact on housing affordability in the Charleston region.

The study process:

The study analyzes current market conditions and works to identify policy solutions that could potentially address the housing challenges our region faces.

These local remedies could help relieve the stress the market is feeling. If we are able to create a stable environment, with smart solutions, it will allow us to develop and rehabilitate more market friendly housing options. CTAR looks forward to working with our local governments to implement these policy recommendations.

AEG Presentation from the Residential Market Update

Click the image to access the PDF of slides from Andrew’s presentation during the annual Residential Market Update.