For questions regarding MLS membership, fees or requirements, please contact CHS Regional MLS.
If you have MLS access, you can login and click “bill pay” from your MLS launchpad. From there you can view invoices and make any online payments.
You can also pay your bill directly on the CTAR Member Portal. Login using your MLS member number (do not include “chs.”). If you do not know your password, click “forgot my password” and type in your MLS member number/login ID (again, without the “chs.” prefix). A password reset link will be sent to the e-mail address on file.
If you decide not to renew your Realtor® membership, please email Realtor Services and we will cancel your membership. Your record will reflect that you are a non-member. As long as you have an active license, you will still be able to practice real estate and will have MLS access if you have paid those fees.
However, you will no longer be a Realtor® member or have Realtor® benefits. Please note that your BIC’s Realtor® dues are based on the number of non-members licensed under their supervision. Should your status change to non-member, your BIC will be invoiced $535.
As the Designated Realtor® you are billed for your own annual Realtor® membership dues plus an annual non-member broker assessment for each non-member licensee in your office. These licensees are not Realtors® but you are still responsible for them.
You are not billed for your Realtor® licensees’ annual dues because they are billed directly. They have attended Orientation, taken the oath of membership and sworn to uphold the Code of Ethics. When your licensees are Realtors®, it not only eliminates the non-member assessment from your bill, but may help decrease the likelihood of ethics complaints and may save on your errors & omissions insurance.
Not all licensed agents are Realtors®. Your non-member agents may not use the Realtor® designation, and they are missing these benefits too:
Would you like to have the non-member assessment removed from your bill? Do you want all your agents able to take advantage of the benefits of membership? Have your non- member agents become Realtors®. You can start here: Non-Principal Application
If you decide not to renew your Realtor® membership, please email Realtor® Services and we will cancel your membership.